Example description : Card Store Payment

In this demo example you have Custom Form with enabled support for 3DS payment. Single Payment and Credit Card Storage / 1-Click payment can be processed with integrated 3DS verification.

Fill the form with a valid name, email and a valid card* number (or use default values clicking on the EXAMPLE DATA button).





Card data

Use your card
Select card and enter CVV
Secure payment by CentralPay

Step 1

Collecting the personal information and credit card data. All required fields must be filled before sending data. Select the Remember my card option to store your card.

Step 2

Card data is sent to CentralPay through the browser with token.js. CentralPay stores the card data and returns the CardTokenID to the merchant form. Using the CardToken ID, a new Customer ID is requested.

Step 3

CardToken ID / Customer ID are ready to make a new API request from merchant's server.

Step 4

CardToken ID / Customer ID, currency, amount and other data are sent to CentralPay to check the versioning. Service that allow you to know if a card is compatible with 3ds-2 and in this case create the 3DS Method.

Step 5

The authentification request is sent via POST to the ACS bank URL ("https://test-threedsecure.centralpay.net/acs") provided in the authentification object. A paRes (Payment Authentication Response), is returned from the ACS bank. If challenge is not required ("Y"), a transaction request can be send.

Step 5 challenge

The authentification request is sent via POST to the ACS bank URL ("https://test-threedsecure.centralpay.net/acs") provided in the authentification object. A paRes (Payment Authentication Response), is returned from the ACS bank. If challenge is required ("C"), an OTP validation form is displayed. After validation, the otp returns a transaction status and if it is valid the transaction request is sent.

Step 6

The Payment Authentication Response, Customer ID / Card ID, currency, amount, and order data are sent to the API by submitting the form. CentralPay creates a Transaction and returns TransactionId with JSON response to the merchant.